Upcoming Events
If you know of any upcoming Small Animal Events please contact us so that we can list them at this website. Any Shows, Agility Competitions or Training Dates, Small Animal Get Togethers (with or without animals presents) may be listed for free at this site (depending on time allowed and web masters schedule 
Winter Pet Rat Show 2008 Where: Southwestern Academy Lincoln Hall 2800 Monterey Rd San Marino, CA 91108 When: February 23, 2008 9 am to 4 pm Help us celebrate the Year of the Rat!
Rattie Crap shoot, Raffles, Rat Maze, Rat Costume Contest, Rat Judging-Morning and Afternoon sessions, Audience Judging, Rat supplies, adoptions and more...Please quarantine your rats from any other rats three weeks prior to the show. Go to the CARE website CareRatClub.com for proper quarantine procedure. Tip: Health check your rats before bringing them. Listen to their lungs; check their fur/skin for mites, bites, and scratches. If your rats are sick, please leave them at home. A bath one week before the show is recommended. Clean tails are a must! Mandatory Health Checks at the door for all rats coming to the show.
Morning health check starts at 8:30 AM to 10 AM Afternoon health check starts at 12 PM to 1 PM
Lunch from 12-1 PM, Main Dish, Soda Desert for $5.00 IMPORTANT: Preregistration required on the website if you are bringing rats to the show!Coming to the show and not bringing rats? Registering online as a visitor will help us plan the show. Need More info? Go to the care web site:http://www.careratclub.com/ Email: CareRatClub@gmail.com For questions please contact one of the club officers:
Nicole 909-528-5867 Sorraiamustang@yahoo.com Harry Amy 626-791-7429 Hawschultz@aol.com Hilloah 626-737-4737 RatzRealm@gmail.com Rachel 219-588-8231 PackageRatz@gmail.comDIRECTIONS
Heading West on the 210 freeway exit at Sierra Madre Blvd/San Marino turn left on Sierra Madre Blvd take to Huntington Drive-turn right and turn right again on Monterey Road. (DO NOT GET OFF AT THE SIERRA MADRE/BALDWIN EXIT)
Heading East on the 210 freeway exit at Lake Avenue. Turn right on Lake Ave. to Monterey Road and turn right. CARE Mission Statement: The California Association of Rat Enthusiasts (CARE) is dedicated to promoting and improving the fancy rat through openness, education of owners, mentorship of new breeders, and by offering family-friendly fun and information
Date: March 29th 2008 Time: Healthcheck & check in will begin promptly at 9:30 and must conclude no later than 10:15am. Full venure will be available momentarily. Place: Lakeview Museum of Arts & Sciences Address: 1125 West Lake Ave. Peoria IL 61614-5985 Admission fee: to be announced
website information with map http://midwestmouseclub.org/events/
Hello Everyone! I just wanted to share with you this event I'm organizing. It's called the Furry Friends Skate Day! Feb. 23, 2008. It's an ice skating day where all the proceeds go to the Seattle Humane Society. (They have some adorable rats there). There will be an awesome silent auction (Thanks to Marna, who donated) and the Max mobile will even be there. If you don't know, the max mobile is an adoption vehicle so you can adopt a pet right then and there. Anyway, if your interested in coming I can e-mail you the flyer (I know most of you live far away. sorry I can't attach it, I'm not sure how). It's at the Lynnwood Ice Center near Seattle, Washington. contact coco_cat_7@yahoo.com